What kinds of therapy do you offer?
I offer short and long term individual therapy and couples therapy. I also have an ongoing interpersonal psychotherapy group that meets on Wednesdays from 11:30-1:00.
What is the fee?
My standard fee is $180 for a 50 minute appointment. There are a few sliding scale slots available as well. Standard appointments are scheduled on a weekly basis. If this arrangement does not suit your schedule or needs other arrangements are possible. Group therapy is $65 per session with a few sliding slot spots available as well. Groups meet weekly with a break over the summer.
Can I use insurance?
We can discuss out-of-network options if you would like to use insurance. If you choose to use insurance, I recommend that you contact your insurance company and ask the following questions: Are Out of Network benefits available for behavioral health treatment? Is pre-authorization necessary? How many sessions are approved and what is the date span for those sessions? Is there a deductible for mental health services? In what month does your policy year begin? What percentage of the visit is covered? Are there restrictions or limitations to your coverage? (Pre-existing conditions, number of visits per year). By verifying this information, you reduce the risk of unexpected expenses.
Where are you located?
My office is centrally located at 3400 Kerbey Lane, Austin, Texas, 78703.
How do I make an appointment?
Call (512) 627-4109 to schedule an appointment. I return most phone calls within 24 hours during normal business hours or by the next business day if left on the weekend.
How does this work?
It is not always immediately clear how the topics we talk about relate to the presenting symptoms/issues. However, with time the connections reveal themselves and allow for a deeper and clearer understanding. I encourage a collaborative approach that allows us to come to an understanding of the situation together. At times I will offer suggestions or strategies to address a particular concern and at other times we will allow the solutions to emerge through conversation and reflection. We pay close attention to emotions being triggered as a way to better understand what is most important to a client. The act of paying close attention to your life and seeing your history in a focused and clear way naturally creates new options for how to move forward.
What do we talk about?
I encourage clients to speak as openly as they can in therapy about whatever is on their minds so that we can better understand their struggles and life experiences. At times this means focusing on day to day issues and at other times it means talking about relationships and experiences from the past. Clients bring to therapy all of their thoughts, concerns, and feelings as well as their hopes and dreams. This sometimes includes thoughts and feelings they may have about me and/or our work together. We can actively use our relationship as a springboard for a deeper understanding of relationships outside of the room. In group therapy, clients talk about their histories, their current experiences and their hopes for the future. We attend to interactions and relationships in the moment in the group as a way to learn more about each member.
How long does therapy last?
It is difficult to predict how long the therapeutic process will last and it varies greatly from person to person. Some people come to treatment for short periods of time (4-12 sessions) to address very specific concerns or transitions in their lives. Other people come for longer periods of time (6 months to a few years) to allow themselves the opportunity to take a deeper look at patterns and struggles. Some people choose to make therapy a long term part of their lives —valuing the weekly opportunity to pause and reflect on their lives. While short and long term treatments differ in terms of the scope and depth of the work, it is possible to have positive and helpful experiences with both. Change usually happens gradually. If length of treatment is of particular concern to you, we can discuss it at any point and create a plan that suites your needs. My ongoing interpersonal psychotherapy group meets during the school year and pauses over the summer.